We’re a network for people who want to build their careers in the UK charity sector.

The sector is ours to inherit and so we believe it’s vital that we’re equipped with the skills and voice to both take it and shape it. That’s the aim of the Future Leaders Network (FLN).

We want to build the network with you, based on feedback on what people want from it. To join us, please sign up below. By signing up, you’ll be the first to know more about the network, and what it can offer, as well as helping us shape it.

Who is a ‘future leader’?

We know not everyone naturally identifies with the term ‘future leader’ but we want this to be an inclusive network. If you have ideas about what could be done better in the sector, are passionate about creating lasting change and supporting those around you to do the same, and are willing to learn from others, then to us that makes you a future leader and we want to be a place for you.

Our aims and approach

We build the network around what you want and need, but our aim is that the FLN will support you to:

  • Develop your career through activities like mentoring and skills sharing

  • Find peer support across the sector

  • Have a voice in the future of the sector as both an individual and as part the FLN.

We want to encourage everyone, at any stage of their career, to consider themselves a future leader - whether you’re new to the sector or already in a formal leadership position of some kind. We recognise there will be different needs, as well as different experiences. Where its beneficial to do so, we want to bring these together to strengthen our network. However, we also recognise there will be times when you want to focus down and work with people who have similar experiences and we’ll aim to facilitate that too.

Find out more

You can read more on the blog about why we’ve set up the FLN, our ambitions for it, and how you can get involved. You can use the form below to sign up and tell us what you want from the network.